Airports are economic engines that generate significant economic and social impact for the communities they serve. They have evolved from mere infrastructure providers to become diverse and complex organizations and value-added service providers.
Airport economic management examines various issues that affect the growth and viability of the industry such as economic regulation, competition, airport charges, financing, infrastructure development, non-aeronautical revenues, and different ownership and operating models.
The ACI-LAC Economic and Commercial Committee promotes the economic interests of airports through the exchange of knowledge and best practices in economic policy and commercial management. Two subcommittees report to this committee:
Working group formed to identify opportunities for air cargo development and provide a forum to discuss issues of interest and share best practices.
General Aviation is a key activity at many airports in the region. This subcommittee promotes discussion and analysis of this activity in the LAC region for the benefit of all stakeholders. The main topics include: the impact of general aviation on airport capacity, how to attract GA activity, the FBO/airport operator relationship, among others.
It promotes the economic interests of airports to ICAO and other industry associations, as well as providing a forum for sharing experiences, best practices and policy development to ensure that airports can successfully navigate an ever-evolving industry.
The ANARA (airports’ non-aeronautical revenues and activities) Subcommittee is a platform to discuss, exchange ideas, research and analyze strategies, policies and industry positions on how to improve, expand and diversify the range of non-aeronautical revenue sources for the benefit of the industry.
The Expert Group on Slots provides strategic and technical assistance to ACI on the development of slot allocation policies. This group identifies key issues and supports the development of the Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines (WASG).
PH Lumiere, 20-A, Ave.La Rotonda
Costa del Este, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá